Template Lavish
Linn Products is a world-renowned engineering company based in Glasgow. They’ve been designing and building iconic music playback equipment since 1973. Every component is precision-engineered, hand-built to order, and signed with pride in Linn’s purpose-built factory. Linn’s unique commitment to improving home audio playback spans five decades of innovation and the application of advanced engineering principles. Everything they do is with one goal in mind: bringing you closer to your music by reproducing it with unparalleled accuracy and clarity, exactly the way the artist intended you to hear it. Linn_LP12_Playing_fluted.png Linn has proven time and time again that the source is the most critical part of the music playback chain. Their source-first approach birthed the legendary Linn LP12 turntable in 1973, followed by the Klimax network player in 2007. Both of these game-changing models are still in production today. Linn’s forward-thinking design allows each unit to be upgraded and updated over time, ensuring Linn owners will continue to enjoy the latest technological developments and keep ahead of other players on the market. Visit the Lavish showroom in downtown Santa Rosa to experience Linn with your own ears. Lavish has a factory trained Linn LP12 upgrade specialist. Our career audio experts are happy to share their knowledge, answer your questions, and offer you a demo on any of our carefully crafted systems. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM CONTACT US